Week 0: Jessica Pixel’s August of Posting 2023

Jessica Pixel
3 min readJul 30, 2023


🟦 ネット友達 こんにちは | hello internet friends 🟦
Internet Person Jessica Pixel here with a weekly digest!

The August of Posting is upon us. I’m finally going to start posting the content I’ve been working on this July. This post is a test of sorts of my weekly wrap up, where I’ll collect all the things I’ve shared over the past week and give more details and credits. I’ll be cross posting this to Medium, Tumblr, and my website.

Twitch VOD thumbnail for Legacy Craftopia

What started as me using Canva to create thumbnails for use on my Twitch turned to me making new panel headers and ‘starting soon’/’be right back’ videos. I’ve made VOD thumbnails for the games I’ve been playing lately and now I’ve got a ‘stream over’ video to play when the stream is over.

Jessica Pixel peeks at you with a coming soon message

Depending on the site you’re reading this, the above graphic is animated. A teaser pic I posted to all my socials last week.

Jessica Pixel naps on her new Mocopi

I got Mocopi. It arrived very quickly after I ordered it. I’m planning to write up a blog post about my impressions. I’ve only had them for about a week at this point.

Jessica Pixel does double peace signs in front of the Ladybug and Cat Noir movie poster

The Ladybug and Cat Noir movie came out this week on Netflix. If you’re a fan of the series, the movie is worth seeing. If you don’t know anything about it, the movie is not the place to start. It felt like fan service more than anything.

Jessica Pixel sleeping and yawning

A quick pair of pictures. The mask feature in Fumi Fumi makes it possible to cast shadows against a wall. Background images are from this popular texture set: https://wonderfulp.booth.pm/items/3203745

Jessica Pixel is stuck doing a day job

Being a virtual person doesn’t pay the bills. I work a day job in content moderation. At least I work from home and don’t need to worry about a commute.

Jessica Pixel is tall in a fancy building

A quick snap using VRM Posing Mobile. Background image is from the app.

Jessica Pixel’s August of Posting

Here is another ‘August of Posting’ teaser graphic that’s mostly Canva template. Photo taken using VRM Posing Desktop with a background from the same texture set as the clouds in the earlier pictures.

Tools used this week:

- Canva
- VRM Posing Mobile
- Fumi Fumi
- VRM Posing Desktop

Jessica Pixel exits the television

The above graphic is from here: https://ubyagino.booth.pm/items/4835911. That’s all from me this week! You can find me online as @liftedpixel at a social network near you! 🟦

